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0 0.93
2 1.26
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Montenegro vs Iceland: xG and Stats, November 16, 2024
0 Goals 2
0.93 xG (Expected goals) 1.26
71% xG Fairness
Advanced xG
0.41 xGOT (On target) 0.71
0.38 xG first half 0.57
0.56 xG second half 0.69
0.54 xG open play 0.76
0.40 xG set play 0.49
1.07 xPTS (Expected points) 1.64
Match statistics
52% Possession 48%
16 Total shots 12
3 Shots on target 3
384 Total passes 376
74% Passing accuracy 70%
7 Corners 2
9 Fouls 7
Predicted score Go to calculations
0.93 xG (Expected goals) 1.26
1.21 Predicted score 1.38
91% xG Predictability
Prediction from xGscore
Montenegro - Iceland Betting tip Betting tip
Both To Score: Yes
81% of users agreed with prediction
138 Votes