Dynamo Z.
- D
- L
- W
- L
- W
2 1.20
1 1.00
- W
- W
- L
- W
- D
Dynamo Z. vs Milan: xG and Stats, January 29, 2025
2 Goals 1
1.20 xG (Expected goals) 1.00
79% xG Fairness
Advanced xG
xGOT (On target)
xG first half
xG second half
xG open play
xG set play
1.52 xPTS (Expected points) 1.18
Match statistics
-1% Possession -1%
-1 Total shots -1
-1 Shots on target -1
Total passes
Passing accuracy
-1 Corners -1
-1 Fouls -1
Predicted score Go to calculations
1.20 xG (Expected goals) 1.00
0.93 Predicted score 2.17
50% xG Predictability
Predictions from xGscore
Dynamo Z. - Milan Betting tip Betting tip
Total Under 3.5
77% of users agreed with prediction
79 Votes 1.6 0.5
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