Bayern M.
- W
- W
- W
- W
- W
1 2.32
0 0.79
- W
- W
- L
- W
- W
Featured Streaks
Betting on streaks of matches, also known as trends, is one of the most popular types of betting based on the statistics of recent games. In this section, we have collected and filtered the longest and most profitable streaks in relation to match odds. There are 3 types of streaks available: All Matches, home and away streaks Home/Away, and Head to head match series. To view trends for all possible outcomes, click the button at the bottom of the section.
Both to Score
Both to score: No 5 / 5
Both to score: No 3 / 5
Total Under
Total Under 3.5 4 / 5
Total Under 3.5 5 / 6
Handicap Lose -1.5 2 / 5
Handicap Win +1.5 39 / 41
Individual Total Over
Conceded 1 / 6
Scored 37 / 41
Individual Total Under
Didn't Scored Over 1.5 5 / 10
Didn't Conceded Over 1.5 5 / 5
Didn't Conceded Over 1.5 7 / 11
Didn't Scored Over 1.5 2 / 5
Predictions from xGscore
Bayern M. - PSG Betting tip Betting tip
Bayern M. Win
91% of users agreed with prediction
339 Votes